Job Alerts

Step-by-step instructions to sign up for Emera Job Alerts:

  1. Once on our career site, click on New Search
  2. From the Search criteria, please select one or more criteria (Location, Job Category, etc.)
  3. Once you have selected your criteria, click on Search
  4. Under Current Opportunities, click on Job Alert
  5. Type in your Email Address and click Submit
  6. You will receive an automated email
  7. Within the email, click Confirm
  8. The following message "Thank you for confirming your email address. You will start receiving job alerts that match your search criteria" will appear.
  9. You are now registered for a Job Alert for the selected criteria.


Please note, you will be prompted to enter your password if not already logged into the Career Center when attempting to save a Job Alert. Anyone without an account will be sent a confirmation email, and the Job Alert will only be active once confirmed.

Job Alerts are triggered early in the morning. One email per Job Alert is sent, and a maximum of 12 Job Alerts can be saved per job seeker. Please reach out to one of our Talent Acquisition Specialists if you have any questions.